This tiny home on water, named ‘Fàng Sōng’, was originally a houseboat and transformed into a self-sufficient, solar-powered travelling nest!
A new innovation aims to stop air pollution stemming from marine vessels, by transferring onshore clean energy to ships!
You can now set your phone to charge on clean, green energy in the US! When plugged in, Apple can charge your iPhone when relatively low-carbon-emission electricity is being produced.
A team at University of Bristol has used nanomaterials made from seaweed to create a battery separator, opening the way for cleaner and greener energy storage!
A new discovery shows that mushroom skin works as a biodegradable substrate for plastic computer chips!
A Swiss company has created a super innovative line of backpacks, made from peculiar materials: the fabric used to make airbags in cars and discarded truck tarps!
Scientists have now developed a tiny robotic fish that is programmed to remove microplastics from oceans, by swimming around and absorbing them its body!