
Coles Supermarket Will Trial Banning Plastic Produce Bags Across Stores In ACT
Sep 30, 2022by Olivia Harper - F&F
Coles supermarket will be trialing the country’s first ban on single-use fruit and vegetable plastic bags across the ACT, and customers will be encouraged to bring their own reusable bags for shopping!
Indonesian Activists Create Museum Made From Plastic Waste
Mar 04, 2022by Olivia - F&F
To raise awareness of Indonesia’s plastic pollution crisis, a group of environmental activists have created a museum made from 10,000 single-use plastic items!
Australia to Phase Out Single-Use Plastics by 2025
May 19, 2021by Olivia - F&F
Following a cascade of state-led announcements regarding a phase-out of single-use plastics, Australia has agreed upon a national approach.