March 14-20 is Brain Awareness Week! Let’s take a look at how this global campaign is helping to promote brain science and research into treatments and cures for brain disorders.

Image: Brain Awareness Week
What Is Brain Awareness Week?
Did you know that Brain Awareness week started in 1996? Over 26 years, this modest effort has grown into a global campaign incorporating diverse groups in academia, government, and professional and advocacy organisations. More than 7,300 partners in 120 countries have participated in the annual educational initiative.
The purpose of Brain Awareness Week is to promote the importance of brain research to find treatments, preventions, and possible cures for brain diseases and disorders. Every year, the global Partners of Brain Awareness Week highlight their own unique perspectives, findings or concerns about the brain. It might be showcasing specialised research about a certain disease or disorder, a new concern about early childhood development, a breakthrough in successful ageing, or highlighting the need for more medical research funding.

Image: Brain Awareness Week
Brain Awareness Week | Online Events Happening Globally
Events that celebrate Brain Awareness Week are currently happening all over the world! There are 160+ Online/Virtual Events, mostly in the form of guest lectures at universities. The amazing part is that you can register and listen in on these global events (run by some of the world’s smartest people) in the comfort of your own home.
We’re seriously intrigued by some of the topics! Some of the Online/Virtual events explore how to keep the brain young, the effects of Covid-19 on the brain, the influence of TikTok on the brain, the benefits of meditation, and plenty more.
At the University of Sydney, the NSW Brain Tissue Resource Centre will be hosting lectures, lab tours and workshop events to support Brain Awareness Week.

Image: Brain Awareness Week
Brain Awareness Week | Resources, Puzzles & Lesson Plans For Kids
Did you know that Brain Awareness Week — coordinated by the Dana Foundation — creates free Handouts & Resources For Kids & Adults? That’s right! These amazing resources are mostly designed for Primary Educators, but there are also Puzzles and Fact Sheets for educational purposes.
The resources for educators include lesson plans for Grades K-5, 6-8, 9-12, as well as workbooks, graphic novels, videos, fun activities, and more! Some of these lesson plans touch on subjects like common brain injuries in a kid-friendly way, as well as mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.
Students learn about the 5 senses, the impact of exercise on the brain, addiction, etc. Adults learn about neurotransmitters, strokes, sex hormones, and brain development.
Ārepa | Delicious Drinks & Powders To Support Brain Health
Here at Flora & Fauna, we love products that combine nutrition and science to yield the best possible health outcomes for you. Whether it’s Medicinal Mushrooms, Vegan Protein, Turmeric Drinks, Gut Detox Products — or our favourite drinks and powders to support brain health, by Ārepa!
Ārepa, founded in Aotearoa New Zealand, explores the connections between nature, neuroscience and food technology. Their mission is to make brains work better using the world’s smartest brain foods. Ārepa’s drinks and powders assist with cognitive performance, without the caffeine jitters! Ārepa’s brain-boosting products support mental clarity, improves focus and neurological function, reduces mental fatigue, supports physical performance and boosts immunity with Vitamin C.
During Brain Awareness Week, take the opportunity to listen to some of the smartest people from all over the world with their free, educational events! Browse the events and learn more — at Brain Awareness Week.
To celebrate Brain Awareness Week, shop Ārepa’s brain-boosting drinks here at Flora & Fauna!
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