France and Spain have announced strong measures to eliminate plastic-wrapped produce, with several bans taking place within the next few years. So, is Australia following suit?

France Set To Ban Almost All Plastic-Wrapped Groceries
Fantastic news coming out of France! From January 2022, around 30 fruits and vegetables will no longer be packed and sold in plastic. The list includes common grocery items like apples, bananas, oranges, tomatoes, leeks, and eggplants.
In France, it’s estimated that 37% of fruit and vegetables sold are packaged in plastic — so the new ban is expected to prevent more than 1 billion pieces of plastic from entering landfill every year! It’s all part of France’s campaign to phase out single-use plastics. In July, France banned plastic straws, cups and cutlery, as well as styrofoam takeaway boxes.
The French Government aim to cut back on throwaway plastic and instead use reusable and recyclable packaging
More Plastic-Wrapped Items Will Be Banned In 2023 & 2024
The plastics ban taking place in 2022 is just the beginning! Understandably, some items take a bit longer to phase out.
That’s why by June 2023, cherry tomatoes, green beans and peaches will no longer be packaged in plastic. By the end of 2024, items that wilt quickly and softer items — endives, asparagus, mushrooms, some salads and herbs, as well as cherries — will be added to the list. In June 2026, delicate foods like berries must be sold without plastic.
France is enforcing other measures to reduce plastic waste in 2022! Public spaces must provide water fountains to reduce the use of single-use plastic bottles, and fast-food restaurants can't offer plastic toys.

Spain Set To Ban All Plastic-Wrapped Produce By 2023
Spain is following suit! Around 1.6 million tonnes of plastic packaging is thrown out every year, and that’s why all plastic-wrapped produce will be banned from January 2023. It’s all part of the country’s battle against the overuse of packaging.
“It is scandalous that they sell a banana surrounded by plastic,” said Carlos Arribas, Head of Waste at Ecologistas en Acción. “The consumer has the right to be offered a reusable version of the products they consume,” he said.
By 2030, Spain has outlined a goal to cut the sale of plastic water bottles in half by installing public water fountains. Plus, the European country is set to make all food packaging 100% recyclable!
What’s Australia Doing To Eliminate Plastic-Wrapped Produce?
Earlier this year, Australia finally agreed upon a national approach to a single-use plastics ban — with each state and territory agreeing to phase out “problematic and unnecessary” plastics by 2025. Plus, 100% of packaging is set to become reusable, recyclable or compostable. This means that supermarkets will aim to eliminate unnecessary packaging and collect more post-consumer waste.
But, we’re not entirely sure what this means for shelf-ready, pre-packaged products — especially plastic produce.
To avoid plastic-wrapped produce in the meantime, make sure you remember to take your Reusable Produce Bags with you when you shop!
It’s fantastic that France and Spain have outlined clear goals to reduce unnecessary plastic waste — especially plastic-wrapped fruits and veggies. In France alone, the ban will prevent 1 billion pieces of plastic from entering landfill each year. How amazing is that?
For more updates on plastic bans all around the world, head to the Eco News category and check out the blogs below.
India Set To Ban Single-Use Plastics By Mid-2022