Bubba Organics is an Australian brand, dedicated to developing the best natural skincare that is safe for bubs.
They have been recognised by a number of prestigious awards over the years and promise to always be pure, natural, organic by nature and free from nasties.
So what's next for this award winning brand? Firstly, let's take a step back to see how it all started. We interview Kerri, the Co-Founder of Bubba Organics to learn about the inspiration behind the brand, their best selling and award winning products and Kerri also shares some tips on how to build your own sustainable home!
What Inspired You To Start Bubba Organics?
The inspiration for Bubba Organics actually grew out of a frustration with finding genuinely natural and effective skincare for my family. Even those products that claimed to be completely natural had questionable and hidden synthetic ingredients. There just weren’t any brands offering premium Australian made skincare that parents could really trust – so together with my co-founder, Mel, we created our own!
It was a painstaking process of research and development over a number of years to get our 100% natural formulations just right, but it was so worth it. Every time a customer leaves a review about how our products have been a game-changer for their little one’s sensitive skin, we remember why we never cut corners or compromised on our original principles.
What Product Came First In The 2021 Excellence Awards & What's So Great About It?
Our signature Lavender & Chamomile Hair & Bath Wash won Best Hair Care for Kids in the Personal Care Category. This product is a firm favourite with customers because of its calming scent and its nourishing ingredients. It gently cleanses baby’s hair and body, and also makes a gorgeous natural bubble bath – without the harsh detergents.
It’s so exciting to be recognised by the Eco Excellence Awards for the second year running. Their focus is on excellence in social and environmental sustainability for products, services, companies and websites so it really feels like an acknowledgement of everything we stand for as a brand.
Can You Tell Us Some Of Your Best Selling Products & Why They Are So Loved?
So there’s a reason our Lavender & Chamomile Hair & Bath Wash is an award-winner! It really is a heavenly blend of nature’s most soothing and calming ingredients. Parents absolutely adore how it smells, but they also know it won’t dry out their little ones’ skin the way some commercial baby washes can. The Aloe vera base ensures skin stays soft and hydrated. Customers typically buy it with the Lavender & Chamomile Moisture Lotion as a complete solution for everyday skin care. The lotion has a silky consistency that leaves the skin lovely and soft without feeling too heavy.
Our newest product, Kakadu Plum & Marshmallow Belly & Baby Oil has also been extremely popular. Aside from use on bellies and baby massage, it has lots of different uses.
Tell Us About Your Sustainable Home!
It’s been quite the process but we’re so excited to finally be in!
We’ve built a 6-star energy rating house. It includes enough solar panels to run the energy requirements of the home and allows us to also give back to the grid. We capture rainwater to flush the toilets. We’ve installed a green living roof with indigenous flora that’s local to the area. We’re also planting 1000 indigenous plants and grasses on our property to help regenerate our area for the benefit of the local fauna.
You can read about our Top Tips For A Sustainable Move here.

What Are Some Tips You Can Give To Someone Wanting To Build A Sustainable Home?
Every building journey is different, but probably the most important tip is to find an architect and/or builder who understands and shares your vision for sustainable living.
There are so many considerations to make, from block orientation to window glazing and everything in between! Sustainability Victoria is a great resource if you’re thinking about building or renovating in a sustainable way – or look for a similar website that’s specific to your state or territory. Just know that every sustainable choice you make during your build will reward you for years to come via lower energy bills and better comfort and liveability. It’s an investment for our future and the future of our kids, too!
Bubba Organics pride themselves on being kind to skin and kind to the planet, offering safe and effective care for fragile and sensitive skin. You can shop the Bubba Organics range here.
Love reading about how businesses came to be? Check out the blogs below, for some more Founder Friday inspiration!