A topic close to our hearts is being sun safe, particularly here in Australia. Here are a few tips to stay sun safe.

1.Slip, Slap and Slop on that sunscreen
We at Flora & Fauna prefer to use a natural sunscreen over a standard, common sunscreen any day.
Natural sunscreens are free from a multitude of nasties that have been linked to cancer and hormonal issues. In case you missed the post, you can read about why natural sunscreens are better for you and how they work in an earlier article. In summary natural sunscreens use zinc oxide to reflect sun's rays as opposed to absorbing the UV rays and a chemical experiment taking place on your skin. Far better for your skin and your family.
Our tip is to always wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF. We would suggest an SPF no lower than SPF 30. Apply 20 minutes before sun exposure and don’t forget to reapply! One sunscreen that is great for your face are Simple As That.
UV Natural perfect for the body, sport and children's sensitive skin. In travel sizes and larger sizes and they have a baby version.
2. Don’t forget about your lips….
The skin on your lips is extremely thin and can easily dry out and crack through exposure to the sun. When out and about during the day we choose to use a lip balm with SPF. Flora & Fauna loves UV Natural Lip as it has SPF 30, vegan and is water resistant for up to two hours – so perfect for when you need take a dip to cool off. Hurraw also has some gorgeous lip balms to help keep your pout beautiul, one of which is Hurraw's Tangerine and Chamomile Lip Balm with SPF15.
3. Know when the UV levels are high
Even on cool, overcast and cloudy days UV levels can still be as deceptively high and this is where many of us get caught out. Cancer Council Australia has lots of information to let us know the UV levels and times when we do and don’t need to slap on the sun protection.
4. Stay cool and hydrated
As well as skin damage, another danger we face in the summer months, especially if you’re active, is heat exhaustion. We always make sure we have plenty of water handy wherever we go and seek out the shade during peak time. Our Water Bottles are made from stainless steel and keep cold drinks cold for 24 hours. We even have really large honus abottles over 1litre in size. Perfect to help the planet and stop spending money on bottled water.
5. Fake It!
Everyone loves to have beautiful sun kissed skin, but tanning and over exposure to harmful UV causes wrinkles, skin and eye damage. So save yourself and your skin the bother and fake it with some self tan.
We love the range of self tan by Eco Tan as it’s Certified Organic, Australian Certified Toxic Free, 100% Vegan and a Choose Cruelty Free Company. (Remember if you’re going out in the sun, you’ll still need your sun protection on top of this tan.)
All our sun protection can be found at Flora & Fauna so you are sun safe.