April is all about celebrating our wonderful, life-giving Earth and coming together to solve some of the biggest environmental issues of our time. Let’s take a look at the theme for Earth Day 2022 (held on April 22nd) and some of the ways that we can #InvestInOurPlanet.

Image: Earth Day / Facebook
April 22nd is Earth Day! On this day, every year, we celebrate our Earth and focus on a specific planetary theme. Last year, the theme for Earth Day was ‘Restore Our Earth’. This year, the theme is ‘Invest In Our Planet’. So, what does this mean?
This Earth Day is all about recognising the critical role of the private sector in building healthy, climate-resilient economies. It’s also about the role of governments to provide regulations and incentives for the private sector to help the planet, instead of harming it!
According to the Earth day website, “we need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably). It’s going to take all of us. All in. Businesses, governments, and citizens — everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable. A partnership for the planet”.
“A Green Future Is A Prosperous Future”
For the private sector, acting on climate change is no longer a moral or virtuous imperative, and facilitating sustainable practices isn’t just part of a ‘green’ or ‘tree-hugging’ agenda. We’re now seeing that sustainability is the path to prosperity!
According to Earth Day, “studies show a direct correlation between sustainable business practices, share prices, and business performance. Companies who develop strong Environment Social Governance (ESG) standards have better profitability, stronger financials, happier employees, and more resilient stock performance”. Interesting, right?
Earth Day emphasises that time is short, so we need to act now. Whilst time is short, there's still time to solve the climate crisis, time to choose BOTH a prosperous and sustainable future, and time to restore nature and build a healthy planet.
Through our choices, actions, and purchases — we can demonstrate the type of change that we want to see! As individuals, investing in our planet means that we’re conscious about where our money is going and actively choosing businesses and initiatives that help the planet.
Start looking at the types of products you're buying everyday and the sustainability ethos of those companies. Is the company taking steps to reduce its carbon emissions? Is the company moving away from plastic packaging? Does the company support environmental/ sustainable initiatives?
Deloitte UK’s Sustainability & Consumer Behaviour 2021 report found that Gen Z are adopting more sustainable behaviours than any other groups. So, change is already happening!

Image: Canva
We recently found that the majority of Aussies lack engagement with their energy provider. Research from the Commonwealth bank showed that 70% of Australians want to live more sustainably, and 55% recognise the importance of renewable energy — but only 8% have made the switch.
Switching to a green energy provider helps to phase out carbon-polluting coal and gas from our national energy grid. As energy consumers who pay for energy, we have the power to choose where this energy is coming from: clean, green, renewable sources, or dirty coal and gas.
Greenpeace Australia Pacific recently put together their Green Electricity Guide, which ranks energy providers from most sustainable to least sustainable, (depending on location).

Image: Greenpeace Australia Pacific / Heaps Better Podcast
#InvestInOurPlanet | Check The Climate Credentials Of Your Bank & Super Fund
Have you ever considered where your super fund is investing your money? Or, your bank? It’s reasonable to assume that our money just sits there, but in reality, your superannuation fund or bank could be investing your money into harmful industries and activities like coal mining, oil drilling and gas fracking. Currently, Australia’s ‘big 4’ banks — ANZ, Commonwealth, NAB and Westpac — provide finance to fossil fuel companies.
Instead of funding these industries, your money can be used as a force for good! Tools like Responsible Returns can help you to find responsible/ethical banking, superannuation and investment products that match your values and interests.
We highly recommend checking out episode 3 of Greenpeace Australia Pacific’s ‘Heaps Better’ podcast for some helpful info!
According to Earth Day, “we have the power to lobby for and support businesses that take active steps to protect our environment through their practices and climate-friendly investments, and fight against those that don’t”.
We couldn’t agree more. Remember, your money can be used as a force for good — make sure it’s helping the planet, not harming it! To learn more about Earth Day and how you can get involved on April 22nd, please visit earthday.org.
Majority Of Aussies Lack Engagement With Their Energy Provider — Here’s Why!