Creatures of the Compost

May 09, 2024by Your F&F Team

We know home composting benefits the planet – but did you know about the fantastic fauna in and around your garden that it benefits, too? 


Here’s a who’s who of your compost heap: 


Wonderful worms play a crucial role in composting. Species like the Australian earthworm thrive in compost bins, breaking down organic matter and aerating the soil – contributing to nutrient cycling, improving soil structure, and aiding in plant growth. 

Blue-tongued Lizards

With their distinctive blue tongues, blue-tongued lizards are a familiar sight in many Australian gardens. These reptiles often take refuge in compost heaps, where they find shelter from predators and a steady supply of insects attracted to the decomposing organic matter. By welcoming blue-tongued lizards into our composting systems, we indirectly support their populations and contribute to ecological balance. 




From magpies to kookaburras, Australia boasts a diverse array of bird species that play various roles in the ecosystem. Birds are attracted to compost bins not only for the insects and grubs they find within but also for nesting materials. By providing a safe haven for birds, compost heaps contribute to biodiversity and enhance the natural beauty of our surroundings. 

Native Bees

Australia is home to 850 native bee species, many of which are solitary and do not produce honey, but these bees are essential pollinators for native plants. Composting provides a habitat rich in organic matter and nesting sites for native bees, supporting their populations and promoting plant diversity. 




Did you know frogs are indicators of environmental health, and their presence in and around compost bins indicates a thriving ecosystem? Amazing eh! Compost heaps provide moisture and shelter for frogs, attracting species like the green tree frog and the striped marsh frog. By fostering frog-friendly habitats through composting, we contribute to their conservation and the ecosystems they inhabit. 


Home composting is not just a simple household chore; it's a practice with far-reaching benefits for Australian wildlife. By embracing composting in our daily lives, we can support a host of creatures, from earthworms to frogs, and contribute to the preservation of our unique natural heritage. So, the next time you tend to your compost bin, remember that you're not just recycling waste; you're creating homes for some of Australia's most underappreciated inhabitants. 

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